Lahiru Weerasekara granted bail

Lahiru Weerasekara granted bail

September 10, 2022   05:28 pm

Lahiru Weerasekara, the national organizer of ‘Youth for Change’ and ‘Aragalaya’ activist, has been granted bail.

Maligakanda Magistrate’s Court ordered to release Weerasekara on a personal bail of Rs. 200,000.

Earlier today, he was admitted to the Colombo National Hospital this morning (Sep. 10) after being produced before the judicial medical officer.

Officers of Maradana Police apprehended Weerasekara in Kollupitiya on Friday (Sep 09) while he was returning from a protest and a candlelight vigil in memory of those who lost their lives in the ‘Aragalaya’ protest movement, at Galle Face Green.

Weerasekara is accused of allegedly obstructing police from carrying out their duties during a protest held at Maradana on 30 August.

Former convenor of the Inter-University Students’ Federation (IUSF), Weerasekara is one of the prominent figures of the ‘Aragalaya’ protest movement and was part of the ‘GotaGoGama’ protests.

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