‘Sri Lankan youth’ found dead at Tranmere Point in Australia

‘Sri Lankan youth’ found dead at Tranmere Point in Australia

May 21, 2023   04:09 pm

An investigation has been launched after a young man was found dead on the foreshore at Tranmere Point in Hobart, Australia this afternoon (21).

Police say the man, who is believed to be Sri Lankan and between18-25, was located around 1:30 p.m. and is yet to be identified.

Medical examinations are being conducted to determine the cause of the man’s death, which is not believed to be suspicious at this time.

The man was found wearing black trainers with white soles, black jeans, a dark green t-shirt featuring a pink and blue rodeo emblem on the front and a black puffer jacket.

Investigators have raised the possibility that the man may have fallen into the water at a different location and subsequently ended up in the inaccessible area where he was discovered.

Authorities are urging anyone with information that may assist the investigation and confirm the man’s identity to come forward by contacting Australian Police on 131 444 with the reference number ESCAD 168-21052023.

Source - Pulse Hobart 


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