Cabinet nod to develop Galle Harbour for commercial and recreation activities

Cabinet nod to develop Galle Harbour for commercial and recreation activities

March 5, 2024   05:01 pm

The Cabinet of Ministers has green-lighted a proposal to develop the Galle Harbour for commercial and recreation activities.

Minister of Ports, Shipping and Aviation Nimal Siripala de Silva has furnished the proposal seeking to invite aspirations/proposals to select an investor for the proposed project for developing the Galle Harbour.

Accordingly, the selected investor will be tasked with construction, monitoring and handing over after investing in construction development work of the water break, deep water passenger shaft, retention wall, oceanic wall, excavation of channels, and oceanic structures related to land filing as well as post mixed-development activities of the filled lands.

In August 2023, Cabinet approval had been granted to invite aspirations to select an appropriate investor under the public-private partnership for the development of infrastructure facilities related to the Galle Harbour Development Project and development of infrastructure facilities related to recreation activities.

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