Red alert issued for heavy rainfall in multiple districts

Red alert issued for heavy rainfall in multiple districts

May 24, 2024   11:56 am

The Department of Meteorology has issued a ‘Red’ warning for heavy rains for Sabaragamuwa province and in Nuwara-Eliya district today (19).

Due to the southwest monsoon that has established over the island, the prevailing rain and wind conditions are expected to continue further, the Met. Department said.

Very heavy showers of about 150 mm are likely at some places in Sabaragamuwa province and in Nuwara-Eliya district. Heavy showers above 100 mm are likely at some places in Western and North-western provinces and in Kandy, Mannar, Galle and Matara districts, it added.

Meanwhile, the Met. Department also issued an advisory for strong winds in the Western slopes of the central hills and Northern, North-central, Western, Southern and North-western provinces and in Trincomalee district, effective for the next 24 hours.

Strong winds of about 50-60 kmph can be expected at times over the Western slopes of the central hills and in Northern, North-central, Western, Southern and North-western provinces and in the Trincomalee district, due to the increase of south-west monsoonal wind flow over the island, it said.

Additionally, fairly strong winds of about 30-40 kmph can be expected at times elsewhere on the island, according to the Met. Department.

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