Consideration of FR petitions on z-scores postponed to Monday
December 17, 2020 01:03 pm
Further consideration of Fundamental Rights (FR) petitions filed seeking an interim injunction suspending the admission of students to engineering and physics faculties in universities on the basis of the z-scores recently issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) has been postponed to Monday (December 21).
The petitions were filed by 42 students who had passed the G. C. E. Advanced Level Examination for the year 2019 under the new syllabus.
The petitions were set to be considered by the Supreme Court Justices Buwaneka Aluvihare, S. Thurairajah, and Yasantha Kodagoda yesterday ( December 16).
However, court proceedings were not carried out yesterday due to investigations into the fire which occurred at the Supreme Court complex on December 15.