People’s irresponsibility, a reason for delays in hospitalizing COVID patients – Dr. Hamdani

People’s irresponsibility, a reason for delays in hospitalizing COVID patients – Dr. Hamdani

May 6, 2021   07:04 pm

The irresponsible conduct of the members of the public is a reason for delays in directing COVID-infected people to medical care, says Dr. Anver Hamdani, the Director of Medical Technical Services of Health Ministry.

He stated that it has become a strenuous task for health workers to locate the virus-infected persons and to direct them to hospitals and treatment centres.

After finding out that they have tested positive for novel coronavirus, people sometimes turn off their phones to avoid the health authorities, Dr. Hamdani, who joined Ada Derana BIG FOCUS program earlier today, stressed.

People who are infected with the virus should either willingly move to a treatment centre assigned to them by the authorities or take precautionary measures in order not to infect others, he pointed out.

In the meantime, Director General of Public Health Services at Health Ministry Dr. Susie Perera, who joined the program along with Dr. Hamdani, said Sri Lanka is now at a crossroads.

She stressed that there is a possibility that the health system may soon run out of capacity if the situation persists.

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