Magnitude 6.5 quake strikes off Indonesia’s Java island, geophysics agency says

Magnitude 6.5 quake strikes off Indonesia’s Java island, geophysics agency says

March 22, 2024   07:22 pm

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the shore of Indonesia’s Java island on Friday at a depth of 10km (6.2 miles), Indonesia’s geophysics agency (BKMG) said.

The quake followed a 6 magnitude tremor reported more than four hours earlier.

The epicentre was located around 130 km north of Tuban in East Java province, BMKG said.

The tremors were felt strongly in East Java, its capital Surabaya, as well as cities in neighbouring provinces, according to multiple postings by social media users in those areas.

Brief shaking was also felt in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, around 600 km away from the epicentre, according to Reuters witnesses.

The 6.5 quake has no potential to trigger a tsunami, BMKG said.

The earlier quake had caused damage to one house and a community building in the town of Tuban, Indonesia’s disaster mitigation agency said.

There were no immediate reports of further damage following the latest quake.

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