President meets Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment

President meets Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment

May 20, 2024   08:14 am

During his official visit to Indonesia, President Ranil Wickremesinghe met with Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan Coordinating Minister of Maritime and Investment Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. 

The meeting took place on Sunday (19) at the United In Diversity Bali Campus (UIDBC) on Kura Kura Bali Island, the PMD said.

The discussion covered key topics such as the Global Blended Finance Alliance, Sri Lanka’s Tropical Belt Initiative, the Blue Economy and the Seaweed Industry.

Emphasis was placed on enhancing cooperation among Global South countries and establishing a collaborative research program on mangrove cultivation, the President’s Media Division reported.

Both parties agreed on the need to establish a bilateral task force to coordinate these initiatives, considering Sri Lanka’s current role as the chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA).

Sri Lankan representatives included, Minister of Water Supply and Estates Infrastructure Development Jeevan Thondaman, Senior Advisor to the President on Climate Change Ruwan Wijewardene, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aruni Wijewardane, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Indonesia Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage and Chief Executive Officer of the Office of Climate Change and Senior Additional Secretary Dr. Anil Jasinghe.

Representing the Indonesian government were Ayodhia G.L. Kalake Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investments, Nani Hendiarti, Deputy Minister for Environment and Forestry Managements, Rachmat Kaimuddin Deputy Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investments in Infrastructure and Transportation, Firman Hidayat, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Maritime Resources and Cherie Nursalim the Special Advisor on Climate Change.

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