Security forces authorized to take action against lawbreakers - PM

Security forces authorized to take action against lawbreakers - PM

May 14, 2019   01:52 am

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe says the security forces are successfully carrying out the investigations on the terror attack on Easter Sunday, which was a result of global terrorism.

Most of the persons who are in connection with the attacks have already been arrested, the Prime Minister further said.

Issuing a press release, PM Wickremesinghe said the country would be destabilized if racial conflicts emerge and the country’s peace is shattered. These disruptive activities hinder the security forces from proceeding with the investigations, the release further said.

The police and the military personnel have managed to curtail the tense situation that took place at several areas in North-Western Province, despite the attempts of certain people to cause unrest among communities, the Prime Minister says.

The security forces have been authorized to take stern action against those who obstruct the country’s peace and those who act against the emergency law and curfew laws, PM Wickremesinghe further said.

The Premier hence calls on the public to render maximum support to the security forces to ensure peace and security in the country.

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