Matale Mayor released on bail

Matale Mayor released on bail

January 9, 2020   06:19 pm

Mayor of Matale Daljith Aluwihare, who was arrested for allegedly assaulting a municipal councillor, has been released on bail by the Matale Magistrate’s Court.

He was ordered released on two surety bails of Rs 100,000 each by Matale Magistrate Indika Attanayake.

The driver of the Mayor, who was also arrested over the incident, has also been released on bail under the same bail conditions. 

Aluwihare was arrested in connection with an incident of assaulting a fellow UNP municipal councillor.

The councillor in question has lodged a complaint with Matale Police alleging that the Mayor and his driver had assaulted him near the Nugagahamula bus stop in Matale town. 

Based on this complaint, the Mayor and his driver arrested today (9) and produced before the Matale Magistrate.

According to the police complaint, an argument between the Mayor’s driver Puwana Kumara and the assaulted councillor had escalated out of control, leading to the attack.

The assaulted councillor has been admitted to the Matale District General Hospital. 

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