PM invites independent political parties for talks

PM invites independent political parties for talks

May 15, 2022   03:35 pm

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has invited the leaders of the 10 political parties that quit the government to represent the parliament independently, to discuss the current political situation in the country.

In response, the relevant political parties have told the prime minister that an appointment would be sought following the meeting of their leaders this evening.

PM Wickremesinghe has also invited Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa to join hands with the government.

In response, Premadasa said the Samagi Jana Balawegaya, as a responsible opposition, would support any correct decision taken by the new government, pertaining to the country’s economy.

Stressing that the Samagi Jana Balawegaya’s stance specified in its recent letter to the President has not changed, the Opposition Leader reminded that members of the public are calling for an administration without the Rajapaksas.

Premadasa recently told the President that the Samagi Jana Balawegaya does not wish to be a part of the new government that is to be established.

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