Allowances of Grama Niladhari officers increased

Allowances of Grama Niladhari officers increased

April 7, 2024   12:28 pm

The government has decided to revise the allowances provided to Grama Niladhari officers.

Accordingly, the office allowances and stationery allowances of Grama Niladhari officers have been increased effective from April 01, 2024.

The Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government has reportedly forwarded the circular related to the matter to all District Secretaries and Divisional Secretaries.

Thus, the monthly office allowance within Municipal Council limits has been increased up to Rs. 3,000 while the monthly office allowance within Pradeshiya Sabha limits has been increased to Rs. 2,000.

The annual stationery allowance has also been increased to Rs. 3,000, according to the ministry.

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