Two persons killed in Horana shooting

Two persons killed in Horana shooting

April 7, 2024   12:55 pm

Two individuals have been injured and hospitalised in a shooting incident that took place at the Thalgahawila area in Horana, the police said.

The two individuals, who were injured in the shooting, have succumbed to their injuries after being hospitalized, according to police.

The Police Media Division stated that an unidentified group of individuals who arrived in a car had opened fire at the duo, who were travelling in a three-wheeler at the Malos Ela Junction in Moragahahena, Horana.

The deceased individuals have been identified as residents of Piliyandala and Pannipitiya areas and aged 50 and 52.

The motive behind the shooting has not been uncovered as of yet. Moragahahena Police is conducting investigations in order to arrest the suspects.

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