President declares open flyover in Slave Island

President declares open flyover in Slave Island

April 8, 2024   10:06 am

President Ranil Wickremesinghe inaugurated the flyover spanning the railway line linking Kompanna Veediya with Justice Akbar Mawatha and Uttarankanda Mawatha, today (08).

The rest of the construction work of this project is planned to be completed by the month of September, and the estimated amount for the entire project is Rs. 5,278,081,272.43, the President’s Media Division (PMD) reported.

It has been observed that nearly 3 hours of time is wasted daily due to the railway crossing located in Kompanna Veediya area, which is a very busy commercial city with various institutions including government offices, hospitals, religious places, restaurants and movie theatres.

In order to avoid the delay, the construction work of this project, which is implemented by the Road Development Authority, is being carried out by Maga Engineering Company, the PMD said in a statement.

Transport, Highways and Mass Media Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardana, United National Party (UNP) Chairman MP Wajira Abeywardena, Senior Advisor to the President on National Security and Chief of Presidential Staff Sagala Ratnayake, Transport and Highways Ministry Secretary R.W.R. Pemasiri, Road Development Authority Chairman C.P. Athuluwage, Road Development Authority Director General Priyantha Suriyabandara and number of officials attended the event, according to the PMD.



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