President’s Fund announces May payments and new recipient lists for scholarships

President’s Fund announces May payments and new recipient lists for scholarships

April 8, 2024   10:54 am

The President’s Fund is in the final stages of providing scholarships to 6,000 economically disadvantaged students who passed the G.C.E. Ordinary Level Examination in 2022/2023. Payments for outstanding installments from March and April 2024 will be paid together with the May payment, the President’s Media Division (PMD) said.

Issuing a statement, the PMD mentioned that starting March 2024, recipients will receive 24 monthly installments of Rs. 6,000 each. 

Meanwhile, the list of selected students will soon be published on the official website ( and further details can be accessed through the President’s Fund official Facebook page (

Additionally, the application period for the presidential scholarship program, which caters to 100,000 students from grade 1 to grade 11 with economic difficulties, has ended. The list of scholarship recipients is expected to be received by the President’s Fund at the regional level next month, it added.

Upon receipt of the lists, 12 monthly installments of Rs. 3,000 each will be disbursed to the eligible students starting from May 2024, according to the PMD.

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