Businessman charged with assaulting Iranian Ambassador granted bail

Businessman charged with assaulting Iranian Ambassador granted bail

May 22, 2024   12:13 pm

The businessman who was arrested and remanded on charges of assaulting the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Sri Lanka, Dr. Alireza Delkhosh, has been released on bail.

He was ordered released on bail after being produced before Colombo Fort Magistrate Kosala Senadeera today (22).

The 33-year-old youth was arrested and remanded for allegedly assaulting the Iranian Ambassador during an incident near a shopping mall on Muttiah Road in Colombo 02 on May 18.

The incident had reportedly occurred while the diplomat was entering the car park of a shopping mall in his vehicle. An argument had ensued between the Ambassador and the suspect in question, during which the latter had assaulted the diplomat and attempted to flee in his vehicle.

At the time, the Iranian Ambassador had exited his car and placed his hand on the bonnet of the suspect’s vehicle, while asking him to wait for the police. However, the suspect had then started his car and driven forward, causing an accident involving the Ambassador.

Later, police officers had arrived at the scene and arrested the suspect, who was identified as a businessman residing at Ward Place in Colombo 07.

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