Korean language proficiency test results released

Korean language proficiency test results released

May 23, 2024   05:45 pm

The Korean language proficiency test results related to the production and fisheries sectors have been released, the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) said.

The SLBFE revealed that accordingly, 3,422 of those who sat for the Korean language proficiency test have passed by obtaining scores over the minimum pass mark.

The total figure of passed candidates is 95.6% out of 3,580 individuals who faced the test, according to the SLBFE.

Meanwhile, the relevant results will be made available on the official website of the SLBFE on 27 May 2024, and can be accessed via www.slbfe.lk, it announced.

The SLBFE also said the medical examinations of the passed candidates will commence on May 28.

Furthermore, the relevant interviews will be held on June 06, 07 and 10 at all the provincial offices of the SLBFE, Migrant Resource Centres and training centres, according to the SLBFE.

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