Notice on new e-visa system for Maldivians travelling to Sri Lanka

Notice on new e-visa system for Maldivians travelling to Sri Lanka

May 25, 2024   10:49 am

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives has issued a clarification for Maldivian travelers regarding recent changes to Sri Lanka’s tourist visa scheme.

In a statement, the Maldivian Foreign Affairs Ministry stated that following the announcement of a new e-visa system in Sri Lanka, they have been engaged in discussions with their Sri Lankan counterparts to ensure a smooth transition for Maldivian travelers.

Currently, Maldivians can obtain a free 30-day tourist visa upon arrival in Sri Lanka. For stays exceeding 30 days, Maldivians can apply for a free 6-month visa online at This visa incurs an administrative fee, the statement added.

Maldivians who are already in Sri Lanka and require a visa extension may contact the Maldives High Commission in Colombo.

The Maldivian Foreign Affairs Ministry stated that it is committed to establishing a visa process that reflects the current visa agreement between the Maldives and Sri Lanka and ensures reciprocity for Maldivian travelers. Discussions with Sri Lankan authorities are ongoing to address any remaining concerns.

Maldivians planning to visit Sri Lanka may contact the relevant ministry for further assistance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives said.

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