President steps in to resolve land issue in Keppapilau village

President steps in to resolve land issue in Keppapilau village

May 26, 2024   05:36 pm

President Ranil Wickremesinghe made a visit to Puthukkudiyiruppu Madhya Maha Vidyalaya today (26) as part of the freehold deeds distributing ceremony in Mullaitivu district under the “Urumaya” program. However, the event took an unexpected turn when two local women protested in front of the college, expressing their desire to meet the President.

In response to the protest, Northern Province Governor P. S. M. Charles personally intervened, approaching the women to inquire about their concerns. The women reiterated their wish to present their issues directly to the President. Upon being briefed by the Governor, President Ranil Wickremesinghe visited the site of the protest and engaged with the women to listen to their grievances first-hand.

During the interaction, the women conveyed to President Ranil Wickremesinghe that 56 families, including themselves and residents of Keppapilau village, are facing significant distress due to unresolved land issues. They urged the President to take swift action to address the situation.

In response, President Wickremesinghe assured the women that he would instruct the relevant departments to investigate the matter and expedite its resolution. He also highlighted the on-going efforts of the government to release substantial land plots in the Northern Province, emphasizing the administration’s commitment to swiftly resolve any remaining land disputes.

Expressing their gratitude, the women commended the President for attentively listening to their concerns and for his proactive approach in seeking solutions to their predicament.


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