Special committee appointed to investigate ‘ISIS presence’ in Sri Lanka - IGP

Special committee appointed to investigate ‘ISIS presence’ in Sri Lanka - IGP

May 26, 2024   09:46 pm

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Deshabandu Tennakoon says that a special committee has been appointed to find out whether any individuals linked to the ISIS terrorist organization are staying in the country.

IGP Tennakoon also said that an immediate investigation is currently being carried out in this regard.

Speaking to the media in Kaduwela today (26), Tennakoon said: “A new committee has been appointed, including the Terrorism Investigation Division, Intelligence Unit officials, and the Special Task Force, under the supervision of the Deputy Inspector General of the Criminal Investigation Department, to investigate in this regard”.

“I discuss with the committee every day about the daily progress and provide them with the required instructions. There has been a successful investigation carried out regarding the matter. We will inform you about the progress of the investigation in the future”, he added.

In response to a question raised by a journalist whether there are any reports that the four Sri Lankans recently arrested in Gujarat, India were involved in the Easter attacks, the IGP emphasized that the legal division of Sri Lanka Police has been instructed to investigate the commission report carefully and provide details regarding the matter.

“I will receive the details about that matter tomorrow. We will look into that matter, as we have no reports to confirm it”, he added.

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