Opposition MPs depart for Thailand and Russia to help rescue Sri Lankans in Myanmar cybercrime camps, Ukraine warfront

Opposition MPs depart for Thailand and Russia to help rescue Sri Lankans in Myanmar cybercrime camps, Ukraine warfront

May 27, 2024   10:07 am

Three opposition members have departed for Thailand early this morning (May 27) in order to coordinate a diplomatic mission aimed at rescuing Sri Lankans trapped in cybercrime camps in Myanmar and Sri Lankan war veterans stranded in the Russian-Ukrainian warfront.

The delegation, comprising MPs Wasantha Yapa Bandara, J. C. Alawathuwala, and Sujith Sanjaya Perera, will engage in discussions with diplomats, relevant officials, and third parties to facilitate the rescue and repatriation of the victimized Sri Lankans.

During their visit, which includes a five-day stay each in Myanmar and Russia, the MPs will deliver letters containing the demands of the Mahanayaka Theros and the Opposition Leader to the Sangha Nayaka Theros of Thailand and Myanmar, as well as to diplomatic officials in Russia.

The group departed for Bangkok, Thailand, on SriLankan Airlines flight UL-402 at around 01:10 a.m. this morning, Ada Derana reporter said.

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